A number of years ago, I forget exactly when, I bought 4 Glocks at the same time. A G19 and G26, also the G27 and G23. I ended up keeping the G23. Gave the others to family members.
The issues in concealing a pistol are width of the pistol and the length of the grip, barrel length has little to do with it until you go over 4 ½ to 5 inches. I have large hands and thick fingers and on both the compacts and the midsized Glocks, I can only really get 2 fingers on the grip. On the 23 and 19 my little finger is resting half on the pistol grip and half on the magazine. On the compact 26 and 27, my little finger is either hanging off of the regular magazine base plate or on the middle of the extension that most people add.
The only real negative that I had with the compacts was the amount of muzzle blast with full powered ammo. Now that most ammunition companies are making rounds for short barrels that should be less of a problem.
I saw no real world difference in the accuracy potential going from the midsized to the compact. I think that most of the perceived increase in recoil that some people claim to see with compacts is really increased muzzle blast and slide velocity, the shorter the slide the faster it moves.
Depending on how you need to dress would be the determining factor for me. If you can wear shirts not tucked in or if you can wear a suit coat or Blazer, there would be no problem hiding either the G26 or G19.
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- by mbw
- Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:16 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Glock 26 AND Glcck 19 question ?
- Replies: 17
- Views: 2910
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