There isnt much to report here, but here goes...
On my way home from DAPS IDPA at DFW gun range, I hit something in the roadway along 183 crossing under 360. It ended up blowing BOTH driver side tires. Since the shoulder was barely wide enough for me to stand next to my car, I went ahead and called for assistance then proceeded to climb over the concrete median for protection.
Fort Worth PD pulls up, now.. keep in mind I just left IDPA, I have my XD9 in a case in the back seat, my bg380 is in my pocket, BUT, I have my holster and mag holders still on from the match. First thing I do is inform him.
Me: "Hey thanks for coming out. I dont know what procedure is but i figured ill notify you. I am a CHL holder..."
LEO: cuts me off before i can finish "ehh youre fine, don't worry about it"
so we shoot the breeze for a while until the two truck arrives. Since I was hitching a ride back from him, I figured I would inform him as well. I advised i was a CHL holder and was armed, then asked if he prefer I was unarmed in his company truck.
Tow truck driver: "Ive got one in the truck, but its your preference, it doesnt matter to me"
Me: "Well, I think two is better than one then."
He chuckled and agreed and he ended up waiving the debit/credit card fee for me.
All in all, a rough start to the night with a smooth landing
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- by FastCarry
- Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:01 am
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: 1st LEO contact since chl, FWPD Positive
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1280
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