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by knotquiteawake
Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:42 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Witnessed DUI accident
Replies: 4
Views: 1554

Re: Witnessed DUI accident

I wonder if most people have a similar story... a few years back when I was renting a house on a corner (a downhill sloped corner) with a few other guys in college. Around 10 or 11pm we heard brakes, skidding, a loud CA-THUNKA! and a CRUNCH! Looked outside and some lady in a pickup coming down the hill had missed that the road turns there, jumped the curb and smashed sideways into a tree. We called 911 and ran outside to see if she was ok, it was low speed so she was fine, just dazed. She just kept saying "don't call the police" "my brother can pick me up." Ect... She was very lucky that night that she didn't hit the tree head on.

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