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by jimlongley
Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:05 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80753

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

On further reflection, I would characterize the responses as "non-committal" at best.
by jimlongley
Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:38 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80753

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

What are the chances for the Senate version?

Having a day off today has made it convenient to email the various members of the committee, but my phone calls have been, as chasfm11 said, kind of mixed reaction. " . . . will pass your concern . . ." and "Your comments are noted." without any real positive OR negative reaction. I have not spoken to any committee member direct. I am not as good speaking on the phone, so I will try to work up a suitable fax and send that.

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