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by n5wd
Sat Apr 18, 2015 9:48 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Veterans Blocked From Owning Firearms
Replies: 34
Views: 7807

Re: Veterans Blocked From Owning Firearms

EEllis wrote:Link to the text of the letter

Http:// ... ate-share-" onclick=";return false;‘mental-defective’-category
Because of the way the Grassley PR release is titled, a direct link isn't working. To find the press release with the letter to the DOJ go to: and then

NEWS CENTER > PRESS RELEASES and look about 3/4 way down on April 15 to find a copy of the letter.

My gist of the info is that if the VA has determined, through their administrative process, that a vet, or a dependant receiving veteran's benefits, is incompetent to the point of having someone appointed as a power of attorney, that is what gets them on the list. It's true that we're not talking about someone that needs help balancing a checkbook, but rather someone who has trouble remembering what a checkbook is for, and how to write a check to pay for their bills (not literally, but you get the idea). It isn't someone who is necessarily a danger to themselves or others, but it could be that they are.

It's clear, though, that the VA is the major one reporting such people to the DOJ -the states are not required to report people who have been determined by a court (usually a probate court) thst have been judged to be in need of guardianship, which is basically what the VA is reporting.

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