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by n5wd
Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:46 pm
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Ham Call Signs In Profile
Replies: 52
Views: 30251

Re: Ham Call Signs In Profile

AJSully421 wrote:
n5wd wrote:
AJSully421 wrote:FCC license data is public information. If I know your call sign, I know your name and home address.

No thanks.
No, you don't. You the mailing address I told the feds where I can receive mail... I most certainly do not live at the post office.

73 de n5wd
FCC says the listed address must be where you are transmitting from. CoC #4. They can and have jerked licenses because of it.
Sorry for the late reply - things have been busy.

Re: having to "transmit" from the location on your license.. You're quite simply wrong, or saying something you believe but is not correct.

It used to be, waaaay up until the middle 60's, that you either had to be where your license locationwas, or you had to transmit a notice that you were either mobile or portable in "X" call district. That went away when the feds dropped additional station licenses in the mid 60's. You used to could have more than one call sign, associated with a different location where you would be transmitting, but all thst was dropped over 50 years ago. Today, you do not have to say where you are if you aren't transmitting from your home station, and there are no requirements that you notify the FCC if your stationlicense address changes, as long as you still receive mail at your mailing address!
by n5wd
Tue Jun 21, 2016 7:41 pm
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Ham Call Signs In Profile
Replies: 52
Views: 30251

Re: Ham Call Signs In Profile

JALLEN wrote:
n5wd wrote:
AJSully421 wrote:FCC license data is public information. If I know your call sign, I know your name and home address.

No thanks.
No, you don't. You the mailing address I told the feds where I can receive mail... I most certainly do not live at the post office.

73 de n5wd
Is your maidenhead grid right on, or is that the PO, too?
Unless you go in and change it yourself, the grid is for the Post Office, IIRC (though it may be for the city center or city hall). QRZ has no way of knowing my actual grid unless I tell them, since it's not something the FCC asks for on Form 605.
by n5wd
Tue Jun 21, 2016 7:13 pm
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Ham Call Signs In Profile
Replies: 52
Views: 30251

Re: Ham Call Signs In Profile

AJSully421 wrote:FCC license data is public information. If I know your call sign, I know your name and home address.

No thanks.
No, you don't. You the mailing address I told the feds where I can receive mail... I most certainly do not live at the post office.

73 de n5wd

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