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by tommyg
Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:42 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against guns
Replies: 66
Views: 7928

Re: Armed protestors show up for meeting of Mom's against gu

I can see why they make a protest by carrying guns outside of anti gun meetings.
Overall this is a bad idea it will make the anti gun idiots try harder.

A better way is to stand outside with protest signs instead of guns.
Count the number of anti gunners coming out and take up a collection and give about 10 dollars
to the NRA for every one of the anti gunners attending and make sure
they know that they are supporting the NRA by attending.

This will discourage their efforts by making them supporters of an organization they dislike :mad5

Yes I'm tring to get forum members to contribute to the NRA again.
Please remember to make your monthly contribution :leaving

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