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by 2firfun50
Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:08 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Frisco PD Encounter
Replies: 10
Views: 3275

Re: Frisco PD Encounter


The woman did not have insurance. The database said she did and her insurance card said she did. That tends to happen when you don't pay the premium. My truck is fixed and my insurance co. stepped right up to the plate, but I am out the deductable and a little more for the rental. We didn't want to drive a roller skate. ;-)

As far as taking my weapon off body and storing it in the glovebox, I use a tuck&go holster, so it comes out in the holster with the trigger protected. My wife uses a good fitting pocket holster and her weapon also comes out holstered. In a serious social encounter, if our weapons clear leather, decision made, the BG will be engaged.
by 2firfun50
Mon May 21, 2012 7:28 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Frisco PD Encounter
Replies: 10
Views: 3275

Frisco PD Encounter

I was sitting at a stop light at 380 and Preston Rd minding my own business. The 1 ton duelly was stopped behind me when a Nisson Altima tagged us both doing about 50 mph :banghead: . Me. my wife, and our friend were not injured. The man in the duelly was shook up but was ok. The woman in the Nisson was injured.

The CHL story was more interesting. My wife, friend and I had 10 pistols in the car and about 600 rds of left over ammo (We took about 2500 :tiphat:) . We were coming from our son's place after breaking in a couple of new 1911s and just an all around fun day burning ammo.

My wife had here S&W 380 bodyguard in her pocket and I had my Kahr CW45 at 3:00. At the very first opportunity, we informed the responding officers about our CHLs and the weapons packed in the truck. He took our CHLs and DLs and very calmly and politely asked us to secure our carry weapons in the glove compartment. He blocked others line of sight while we did so. He never touched our weapons. Several minutes later. our CHLs were returned and the officer laughed as he glance back down the line of vehicles and said "Everyones' packin heat." The officers were polite, professional and unconcerned that we were armed. Great job Guys!! :cheers2:

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