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by talltex
Tue Jun 13, 2017 10:04 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver
Replies: 42
Views: 13741

Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver

I've always liked the S&W snubbies. I keep one Model 34 .22 snub loaded with ratshot on a shelf by the patio door just for my wife to dispatch any snakes that decides to sun themselves in the open. I have two of them and they are amazingly accurate plinkers too. At my business office, I have a model 60 in a holster mounted in the knee well of my desk with a shotshell in the first position backed by 4 hand loads with hollow base wadcutters seated upside down. Another is mounted on the inside of the inner steel door of an old bank vault safe that is hidden inside a large closet behind a closed door just in case I was ever forced to open it. For most carry I stick with either an Officer's Model Colt .45 (my favorite) or now days, most often a Springfield 9mm with high capacity mag.

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