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by Superman
Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:26 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?
Replies: 11
Views: 1892

LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?

Tell us your preference and why?

I'm not an LEO, but here's my thought (slightly edited) from another thread:

I wait to reach for ANYTHING (except turn on overhead light, even then I turn it on as I'm pulling over) until the officer is at my window and he can watch everything I do. It makes them nervous to see someone fussing around in their vehicle while they are walking up. Even if it's just to pull out your wallet to get your DL and CHL ready in hand... you could be hiding drugs or pulling out something to kill them with. It's a small thing, but I do whatever I can to minimize their anxiety of walking up to someone they just pulled over.

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