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by Jim Beaux
Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:47 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Call from Plano PD
Replies: 13
Views: 4302

Re: Call from Plano PD

GJwitha45 wrote:This is not a cell phone, I-phone or other type mobile device. It is a 2 line desktop hardwired phone w/ caller ID and service from AT&T.

Like I said in the original post, I wonder who is getting this and how it is determined who does get the messages.

The communication is location specific and since you received it via a land line I would guess it was through reverse 911.
Mass text messaging services such as Twitter, mass automated dialing services such as Reverse 911, and the common town siren systems that are used to alert for tornadoes, tsunami, air-raid, etc., are examples of emergency notification systems ... ion_system" onclick=";return false;
The bulk of emergency warnings in the United States are sent through the Emergency Alert System. The EAS can be activated by national, state, regional, or local authorities, including police, fire, weather, and other governmental authorities. EAS is often activated when an unpredicted emergency such as a tornado, earthquake, or release of toxic gas happens. The vast majority of EAS alerts are generated by the National Weather Service. ... on_warning" onclick=";return false;
Specific Audiences or Recipients

Emergencies often require delivery of different versions of the same communication at the same time. For example, in an armed hostage-taking incident, occupants of a building may need to receive instructions to lock and barricade the door until further notice, while first responders to the incident need to be aware of the lockdown instructions and be provided more specific details of the hostage-taking event to inform their actions. ... ion_system" onclick=";return false;
by Jim Beaux
Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:23 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Call from Plano PD
Replies: 13
Views: 4302

Re: Call from Plano PD

What you guys have experienced is the Emergency Notification System (ENS). Its purpose is to inform of life threatening events...of course, being a government program it has been expanded to include missing persons, Amber Alerts, potential disasters and dangerous weather. Being in SE Texas with rain every day for the past 10 days I recd 3 within 4 hours warning me of Flash Flooding. (duh)

Having a Blackberry I can disable ENS on the handset (all alerts but presidential). If you cant disable on your handset you can go to your cell provider's web site and disable. (Verizon)

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