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by Jim Beaux
Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:12 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Fla: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Exposure
Replies: 56
Views: 12019

Re: Fla: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Exposu

First I have to say, what a disgusting display from someone who we employ to maintain a state of civility. I am just totally outraged. Our cops have a lot of power that must be metered by their depth of character.

This deputy should be fired. His actions are motivated viscerally instead of cerebrally; something that training cant overcome. If he is allowed to continue he will only get better at covering his bad behavior.

Secondly, I want to express my appreciation to gigag for his approach to law enforcement. We civilians do notice and respect cops like you. A professional certainly understands and acts with dignity & with the knowledge that not everyone he encounters will possess the same capacity for logic.(yeah, I know, an understatement. :lol: )

From what I have found this event happened in 2009. Seems the deputy has a reputation,as well as the county he serves; Citrus County. He is on admin leave & an investigation is being conducted. There are some questioning why this video has only recently come to light. ... estigation

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