Well, then it seems that you as a homeowner or business owner might need to do a little "due diligence" as to whom you are inviting to your home or business.jayinsat wrote:I believe the OP asks what would we, the homeowners, do if we saw the repairpersons gun. Many initial responses seemed to presume the repairperson was a reputable, licensed individual. I don't presume that. If they accidentally reveal, I will want assurance or they will be asked to leave. Many home burglars use stolen utility vehicles.I can't see how this got turned into a "shooting the homeowner" thread.
I know I would not book a service call with someone that I haven't spoken with personally or had referred to me by a person I trusted.
Very few times if any; have I seen a case where a "badguy repairperson" would have not raised my hackles upon answering the door, I can assure you that I always answer the door prepared, as I'm sure you do as well. This is the time to size up your visitor and make the determination as to whether to allow them into your home or business.