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by OrangeAnimal
Fri May 18, 2012 3:14 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Lawsuit takes aim at The Arms Room
Replies: 20
Views: 4782

Re: Lawsuit takes aim at The Arms Room

I can say that if you are on the rifle side of the range there you should double the protection. Not saying its going to ruin your hearing if you don't but its a good idea. I had a guy two booths down with some are variant I am going to assume it was a. 308 it was loud! I have fired many rifles and handguns there and this thing was attrocious his brass would fly across and hit the way about 8 feet up it. I think he needs adjustable gas piston on that thing lol.

Otherwise I love going there the people for the most part are friendly its clean and well maintained. Sux I am moving I will miss going there. Hopefully in 4 years when the wife's tour in new Orleans is over it will still be as nice.

Sueing over stuff like this is just as bad as going to McDonald's then spilling coffee on yourself expecting not to get burned. That case still is the benchmark for all cases similar in nature it disgusts me.

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