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by WinoVeritas
Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:35 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: walmart asking for chl
Replies: 244
Views: 57891

Re: walmart asking for chl

What I've found amusing is threads about CHL/LTC badges were always met with derision for even suggesting such a thing advertising you have a license to carry - and OC does just that. So may as well get a lanyard with plastic slip case (ala trade show ID's) for your CHL/LTC along with your OC so it's out in the open and visible to all.

As a matter of fact, I've found the entire hullabaloo over OC a big whooptiedo about nothing amusing to the point of silliness.
by WinoVeritas
Thu Jan 07, 2016 9:10 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: walmart asking for chl
Replies: 244
Views: 57891

Re: walmart asking for chl

gljjt wrote:
winters wrote: ... -tote-guns

Since when does walmart have any legal right to even ask to see someones chl even if they have a liquor license? I could care less if they ask me to leave but asking for my chl crosses the line. I own supressors and you would be surprised by the people who think they have some legal right to inspect my paper work.
They have the right to ask. You have the right to show it or leave. Free speech is a constitutionally protected right. Can you go into Wal-Mart and start yelling? No. Freedom of assembly is a constitutionally protected right. Can you go into Wal-Mart with your 50 best friends and block the aisles? No. This is pretty simple. I really don't know why some aren't getting it.
I suspect many gun owners are obtuse....................................or that's the impression I get from reading the myriad threads regarding OC. :deadhorse:

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