Dedicated Technology is a one-man shop in Minnesota. The guy's name is Mike Milli. He has been building AR's for 15 years and really knows his stuff. He is very popular with the coyote hunting crowd. I spoke to him a couple times after placing my order and he really took his time with me and made sure I was getting what I wanted. He actually flutes the barrels himself and squares up the receiver and barrel so that everything mates up perfectly.Skiprr wrote:That looks a lot like Wilson Combat's setup for their sniper AR model, with a 20" fluted barrel. I've never heard of Dedicated Technology, but my guess is that lil' guy is good to go from 300 yards.Bevotex wrote:My new varmint hunting rig.
The rifle itself is kind of a mutt. It's a DPMS lower with an Olympic Arms upper and 1x8 twist stainless ultra match barrel. Olympic Arms has a not so great reputation, but their broach-cut ultra match barrels are very very good. I have made two trips to the range with it so far, and I've yet to have a group over 1 MOA, with most around .5 MOA. I'm very happy with it so far.