Well...They weren't there for tea...The two were shot and killed by Joe Horn, a Pasadena man who thought they were burglarizing his neighbor’s home last month.
I really like how the media is purposefully dumbing down Mr. Horn, making him look like some sort of idiot...
And the same media is absolutely reluctant to have to balance the incident by having to tell the tale of these illegal aliens and their criminal past...
Quannel is going to be the front man for all of this till the GJ gets back with a decision on Mr. Horn...
If Mr. Horn is no-billed, I can guarantee you that the national race-baiters will jump in real quick as soon as that happens...
Thats why it is so important that the folks in that nieghborhood get some sort of legal protection from assemblies of any kind, for or against Mr. Horn...The media is continuing to state that it is unlikely they will get some sort of legal protection like that...I believe the media wants to set up the potential unrest that may occur if Mr. Horn is no-billed...
I do not see any good coming from this at all...Hopefully cooler heads will prevail, but I get the feeling thats not what Quannel the tenths minions and the news media want...And they are getting tons of attention while the people in that neighborhood are not...