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by srothstein
Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:26 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: CHL Arrested in Fort Worth
Replies: 80
Views: 12063

Re: CHL Arrested in Fort Worth

No, the law specifies that interference cannot be verbal only.

In reality, the guy was wrong and got what he needed to learn not to be a smart aleck. He is being charged with two misdemeanors beside the ticket (one article did say he was charged with evading arrest). I think he can beat the unlawfully carrying charge very easily since the way I read the story, the cops actually found the gun when they searched him for the evading arrest. That does not mean the gun was not exactly how they said (partially unconcealed), just that they did not notice it.

And, the cops really need to learn to ignore idiots like that. If they get irritated at everyone who makes this type of comment, they will get ulcers and have other stress related problems before they get very far into their career. Who really cares how they mouth off as they are leaving, as long as they are leaving?

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