I never did it but I can almost understand it at an accident scene, especially the way the officer in the OP did it. He was not nearly as worried about the potential threat to him from the CHL (I am guessing) but the danger to and from the other drivers. Accident scenes can get very touchy very quickly as the drivers tell their version of what happened. A driver can be calm and accepting of what happened because he thinks it is the other guy's fault, then get mad and go nuts when he hears the other driver tell what happened from his point of view.
As one example of how this could happen, consider the truck driver in the OP. I may be misunderstanding what happened, but it sounded like the car was stopped with the truck behind it also stopped. Then the third car came in and never slowed down very much, rear ending the truck and pushing it into the front car. If I am wrong, think about this kind of chain reaction accident anyway. Now, we all agree the accident is the third car's fault but the driver of car number one can actually sue the driver of the truck. That is who caused the damage to his car, so is responsible for fixing it. If the third car driver has no insurance, guess who will pay for the first car? And I can see him getting mad when he learns this too. So the scene gets a little hotter fairly quickly and the guy in the front car may end up pulling a weapon before the cop can control the truck driver. But with the guns in the glove box, there is a little more time for the cop to get control, or if any shooting needs to be done it will be him doing it.
This is an extreme example, but I have seen accident scenes get out of control almost as fast as a domestic disturbance. I don't think I would disarm anyone, but I can understand it here more than in a simple traffic stop scenario.
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- by srothstein
- Mon May 21, 2012 9:44 pm
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: Frisco PD Encounter
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3273
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