STEVE,My coworker let out a "Here we go again," and is quiet for a second. I like this guy a lot, but I know that he happens to lean a little more liberal than I do, so I brace myself for the inevitable argument; he's not a gun owner, and, like myself, is a young-ish tech/internet nerd, exactly the sort of person you'd think would jump on the gun-control bandwagon starting to spread around that community. But instead he says this: "Funny how this always happens in the states with the strictest gun-control laws. There's no way we'd put up with stuff like that in Texas - you're not going to shoot up a shopping mall if you know that half the people in there are armed. You try that kind of thing, and someone will just drop you. That's one thing at least that I love about living here."
this gives me hope.