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by Texasrpbrock
Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:12 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Interesting
Replies: 174
Views: 42179

Re: Interesting

Was interesting to hear about this story and see the youtube vids. But with all due respect, I absolutely believe in 2A rights but I can kind of see where this is might be crossing the line a little. As a Texas CHL holder I carry but conceal. I feel that is the polite/resectful thing to do for me to keep it under wraps as not to draw attention to it or put people who may not share my same beliefs in an uncomfortable setting. When I shoot my big black guns, they stay in my rifle bags until I am on my property or tract of land where I have the owners permission toI shoot or hunt. After looking at both sides, it seems there's more to the story.

In turn that keeps LEOs from having to respond to a bull disturbance call when they are already under staffed and have better things to do. If you're respectful to most LEOs in the State of Texas they usually will show you the same. I think the worst thing you can do is walk down the side of a public HWY holding a firearm in open view. I wished we still were able to hang a shotgun from the rear view pickup window like I did as a teenager in West Texas but we definitely live in a different world now. It's just my 2 cents but I feel it was a bad judgement call to push the limits.... Even in Texas. I'm in rural KY now and people here are very conservative but I'm pretty sure the event wouldn't have flown well here either. I wish the guy the best of luck and appreciate his service but hope this doesn't turn into more ammo for the other side to use against us. Right now is a time for all of supporters of 2A to show responsibility. Not a time to push the envelope. Then again, maybe I'm full of bull...

:patriot: :txflag:

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