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by T-box
Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:39 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the plague
Replies: 33
Views: 10087

Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl

x007x wrote:When I would be in public with my girlfriend walking. She would put her hand around my waist and sometimes pull on my shirt, and I would have to tap her hand to let go. Lol this has not happened in a long time, but now I wear an ankle holster for my Glock 27.. Depending when and where I am at ill carry my Glock 19 too.
Do you prefer having the ankle holster to where you were carrying before?
by T-box
Sun Dec 23, 2012 1:56 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the plague
Replies: 33
Views: 10087

Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl

DLBConductor wrote:After a while, concealed carrying will become second nature. Just relax - except for other CHLers, no one will probably even notice that you are carrying.

Last week, just after avoiding an attempted car jacking, my adrenaline was running pretty high. I immediately drove on to the Post Office to mail Christmas packages for my wife. I was standing in line when I suddenly thought, "I STILL HAVE MY GUN IN MY POCKET." Since it was well concealed, I went ahead, stood in line, and mailed my packages, while sweating bullets the whole time. I then got out of there in a hurry without incident. My mind had been too preoccupied with the carjacking attempt to remember to disarm before going into the Post Office.

After a while, instead of feeling self-conscious about carrying, you will begin to feel naked without a gun. You will be more anxious and more uncomfortable when you don't have a gun on your side.

Just keep carrying 24/7 and stay safe.
It's been a little over a month now, and I do feel more comfortable with it. I haven't really had a problem carrying into a place that I shouldn't, most of the stores around my area don't even bother with gun-buster signs. I am very happy with my decision, money well spent.
by T-box
Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:54 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the plague
Replies: 33
Views: 10087

Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl

LSUTiger wrote:What is still a little awkward is when I hug a lady - I know they realize there is something larger than a cell phone there but nobody has commented as yet.
Lord, please give me the will power to resist making any obscene comments. :biggrinjester: "rlol"[/quote]

Haven't actually had that issue yet, although if I feel like a hug might point out that I'm carrying I could always go for a side hug or something.
by T-box
Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:19 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the plague
Replies: 33
Views: 10087

Re: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the pl

rl168 wrote:The most important question is how was the movie??? :biggrinjester:
I thought the movie was good, much better than QoS. Good pacing, and Javier Bardem was a great villain.
by T-box
Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:44 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: First time carrying, already avoiding people like the plague
Replies: 33
Views: 10087

First time carrying, already avoiding people like the plague

So I finally got my CHL in the mail on Thursday, I had taken the day off and decided that I would head to my local theater to see Skyfall. Of course, I spend the whole time nervously checking to make sure I'm not printing, and that my firearm isn't sticking out from my shirt. I finally calm down, and everything is going good. I stop by my bank, and head to the nearest gas station to fill up. It's about 2 am at this point, a few people are already in the store but no signs of trouble. I head out to fill my car, still nervously checking my surroundings. As I finish up I'm about to get into my car when a rather large black male calls out to me, HEY MAN. Now, I had made small talk with the guy in the store, and I'm sure it was something rather harmless. Maybe he needed directions, or maybe he wanted to bum a cig. I don't know, and I didn't care.

Maybe a bit TOO excessive, but now that I'm carrying I have to make a point to avoid confrontations and anything that might put me in risk. You never know, I'm not going to put myself in a bad spot.

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