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by CoffeeNut
Fri May 29, 2015 6:02 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 431152

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

Senate adopts the Conference Committee report.
by CoffeeNut
Wed May 27, 2015 11:22 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 431152

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

I sent a nicer email to my Rep who voted no for concurrence even though they voted yes on the original bill with similar language.
I saw that you voted "no" for concurrence with the Senate amendment even though you voted in favor of the original House bill which had similar language.

This amendment to the bill should not kill the bill due to the fact that the amendment is simply reiterating what is already law. As it is now a police officer cannot demand ID from a person who is doing nothing wrong. This amendment was more to quash concerns of citizens who, rightfully, fear an aggressive police response to lawful open carry. If you do not believe me I would kindly direct you to Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo's comments before the Legislature.

While I understand the concerns of law enforcement weigh heavily on the legislature I would appreciate if feelings are left out of lawmaking and the facts of open carry are relied upon instead. I ask that you do everything in your power to keep this bill alive, and even if the conference committee cannot work out the differences I ask that you vote for concurrence on HB910 even with the Dutton/Huffines amendment.

Thank you for your time and your continuted support of Second Amendment rights.

by CoffeeNut
Wed May 27, 2015 6:10 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 431152

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

I really do not understand how these gun bills get so jammed up every time. This isn't the first time these bills have been brought up yet they always get bogged down or shut out completely. Are we in Texas or has Austin taken over the entire state?
by CoffeeNut
Wed May 27, 2015 6:03 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 431152

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

by CoffeeNut
Wed May 27, 2015 5:54 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 431152

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

Dutton might keep it out of Conference
by CoffeeNut
Wed May 27, 2015 5:51 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 431152

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

der Teufel wrote:Dutton speaking now. I like his style.

Calm and logical . . .
by CoffeeNut
Wed May 27, 2015 5:35 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 431152

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

Here we go!
by CoffeeNut
Wed May 27, 2015 5:29 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 431152

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

"Unregulated and unenforceable open carry" so since a cop cannot stop me to see if I have car insurance I assume that is unregulated driving? Oh wait they can stop you for other reasons and require proof that way. Weird how in their own little world there are no other paths.
by CoffeeNut
Wed May 27, 2015 5:17 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 431152

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

"They've broken no laws and have the right to carry but we should kill this bill because cops won't know what to do"
by CoffeeNut
Wed May 27, 2015 5:14 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 431152

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

I don't see the MDA goons in the gallery today.

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