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- Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:20 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: How to quit dipping snuff
- Replies: 71
- Views: 11188
Re: How to quit dipping snuff
Don't understand why people downplay Chantix. It has helped many people quit. Addiction is a disease. If you have the willpower to do it on your own great. If you can't like the guy that tried 75 times and then used nicorette for 3 years before really quitting get professional help from your doctor. If you had any other disease I would hope you would be smart enough to seek professional help. Been there and done that so I understand how hard it is to quit. But do quit and that does not mean substituting one type of nicotine for another. No shame in getting help.
- Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:00 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: How to quit dipping snuff
- Replies: 71
- Views: 11188
Re: How to quit dipping snuff
I was a 3 pack a day smoker. I recommend you talk to your doctor about Chantix to help you quit. It does work. Also, stay away from your guns during this time as most of us are not too rational during the detox phase. And it is detox of perhaps the most addicting drug on the market, nicotine. It can be done. I haven't used tobacco in 30+ years. Once you quit though NEVER start again. Good luck. Do it before you get oral cancer.