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by rotor
Sun Feb 11, 2018 3:31 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Interesting Non Car Buying Experience
Replies: 51
Views: 16211

Re: Interesting Non Car Buying Experience

In 1996 I was able to order on the internet an F150 new, with all of the options I wanted with a $500 down payment and picked it up at a Fort Worth dealership as a commercial purchase. I had to wait 6 weeks to get it but it was worth it. I asked the dealer how he was able to do it and he said that there was a franchise every 7 miles and he liked to eat. In a smaller town you aren't going to do that. I saved a lot of money. Apparently that program has been "outlawed".

What I would consider now is going through Sam's Club or one of the other discount stores (Costco) and see what kind of deal you can get ahead of time, order all of the options you want and know a price beforehand.

Fortunately we don't have to go through this misery more than every few years. I still have that 1997 F150.

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