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by rotor
Tue Mar 27, 2018 4:03 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Getting pulled over with mossberg shockwave
Replies: 17
Views: 10688

Re: Getting pulled over with mossberg shockwave

cmgee67 wrote:I was thinking about this today. If you get pulled over and you happen to have your shockwave in the car what do you do? Do you treat it like a long gun and you don’t have to inform the officer you have it? It’s considered a firearm. I’d think you wouldn’t have to say anything but say they searched your vehicle and found it. If the officer wasn’t versed in what makes something a firearm and he considered it an SBS you might be having a conversation. Do you keep the paperwork mossberg sends with it saying what it is? What are the rules on this issue? I haven’t seen this discussed anywhere so I thought I’d bring it up.
Why would you even mention it? If you are carrying you are required to show your DL and LTC. If asked about your handgun you tell him/her where it is. Why would you consent to having your car searched? Never consent to a search. Do they have probable cause? Carry a Shockwave in Texas is not illegal, the AG has certified it as being legal, I see no reason to offer info beyond what is required by law.

In my area of Texas the cops pull over speeders all the time that consent to car searches and have hundreds of pounds of drugs in the trunk. Of course we know these people have sub 70 IQ's but someone must have told them not to consent to a search. Suspect drugs, get a drug sniffing dog out. Never consent to a search for anything. And don't speak to Robert Mueller either.

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