I don't think so. If they have suspicion they can get a search warrant and if they have nothing they can get the drug dogs out but I don't think they can search your car or tow it without anything. Now if the dogs show a response they can get a warrant or perhaps search without. This isn't Nazi Germany.Abraham wrote:O.K.
Back to the passenger in an example of say: A driver speeding. The driver's going to get the ticket and there's no element of criminality.
Why should the passenger have to produce I.D.?
He/she's done nothing wrong? Is a bit of fishing going on?
Yes, I hear those of you understanding that cops can 'ask' for I.D.and you the passenger don't have to comply, and all will remain well...maybe...but much like refusing to a search consent (when it's really just a fishing expedition) I remain skeptical of this practice.
If you've done nothing more than speed and your passenger and yourself show zero signs of impairment or dope smoke smell, just issue the ticket and we'll all be on our merry way.
Quit asking for I.D. when not warranted.
Some LEO's have the idea that even if there's no evidence of criminality, hey you COULD be guilty of something.
Won't give consent for a search, fine, I'll have your vehicle towed.
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- Thu Apr 19, 2018 2:51 pm
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- Topic: Why Is Passenger Asked For I.D.?
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Re: Why Is Passenger Asked For I.D.?
- Tue Apr 17, 2018 1:38 pm
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- Topic: Why Is Passenger Asked For I.D.?
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Re: Why Is Passenger Asked For I.D.?
Paranoid? Borderline? I don't think so. I refuse to get into name calling with you. If you are pulled over for a traffic violation (a crime) the LEO can ask for ID and ask you to step out of the car and arrest you if need be. I did not call you sheepie. Someone else did. You have a lot to learn though and like I said, time to start hitting the books.Grundy1133 wrote:It seems kind of borderline paranoid conspiracy theory mentality lol. I understand if you're involved in a shooting to keep your mouth shut. don't volunteer info etc. but if a LEO says "do this" as long as its not something illegal, you do it otherwise things could get out of control and you'd end up in cuffs. And if it's in violation of your rights, then you take action. like if a LEO asks if he can see your ID and you say no and then he says GIVE me your ID. do it. If you don't do it and he says step out of the car and you refuse, then I'm sure you'd end up in cuffs... just do what the LEO says and then afterward do something about it if he/she has violated your rights... I don't see how this is "sheeple" mentality. its just being smart. do what they say and take action afterward so you can avoid having handcuffs thrown on you.rotor wrote:Grundy1133, I know you are relatively new here but I think you need to get some legal books about LTC and what you can and should not do in anytime you are involved with a LEO contact or worse, a shooting incident. I believe a lawyer would tell you to shut up and not give any info beyond the minimum and not consent to searches. Actually, this is not just for LTC but any police-citizen interaction. There is always the urge to talk (look at Trump saying he wants to talk to Mueller) but then there are smart lawyers telling one to shut up. You really need to know your legal rights a little better from what I have seen about your posts. I am not saying this in a derogatory manner but I am trying to be helpful.
- Tue Apr 17, 2018 1:16 pm
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- Topic: Why Is Passenger Asked For I.D.?
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Re: Why Is Passenger Asked For I.D.?
Grundy1133, I know you are relatively new here but I think you need to get some legal books about LTC and what you can and should not do in anytime you are involved with a LEO contact or worse, a shooting incident. I believe a lawyer would tell you to shut up and not give any info beyond the minimum and not consent to searches. Actually, this is not just for LTC but any police-citizen interaction. There is always the urge to talk (look at Trump saying he wants to talk to Mueller) but then there are smart lawyers telling one to shut up. You really need to know your legal rights a little better from what I have seen about your posts. I am not saying this in a derogatory manner but I am trying to be helpful.
- Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:22 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Why Is Passenger Asked For I.D.?
- Replies: 38
- Views: 12156
Re: Why Is Passenger Asked For I.D.?
I can not agree with your mentality on that. First, you can always be found to be doing something illegal. I would never give any information not required by law. The last time I was stopped by LEO they did not ask for my passenger's ID. We wouldn't have given it either. They ran my ID.Grundy1133 wrote:My mentality is if you aren't doing anything illegal you shouldn't have anything to worry about. A buddy of mine got pulled over once (we were teenagers) and I didn't have my ID on me and the LEO asked for my ID and I told him I didn't have one and he just said "ok" and went about his business. I imagine he asked for my ID too cause we were teenagers and he wanted to know who we were and what we were up to (we were going to wal mart to buy food from the deli lol). This practice has been going on for awhile cause that was 15 years ago and i imagineits been going on for even longer than that.
I am always surprised watching the cop shows how they ask if we can search your car and the occupants say sure. They should say no but that's television.
The worst thing you can do is to think that you have "nothing to worry about as you are not doing anything illegal".