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by yerasimos
Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:56 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Disarmed
Replies: 53
Views: 7446

Re: Disarmed

Slow down.

As I see things, there is nothing good that can come from a traffic stop, so I try to observe the traffic laws as closely as I can. That way, the police can focus upon the true bad actors, and I can spend my money on better things besides "taxation via citation".

By my reckoning, fighting the ticket would be more productive than complaining about the officer's attitude, but I also see Flintknapper's point about CHLicensees making a collective, principled stand when firearms are seized for capricious purposes. Furthermore, eliminating unnecessary handling of firearms is better for everyone's safety, as holstered guns do not discharge by themselves. It is much safer and more level-headed for everyone if an officer says something like "you don't show me yours, I won't show you mine". That way everyone can return home without any extra perforations.

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