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by SherwoodForest
Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:26 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Interesting
Replies: 174
Views: 42178

Re: Interesting

The decision in the NRA case ( D'Costa I believe) in Lubbock handed down in January 2012 - recognized that Texas law ALLOWS the open carry of a long gun. This is Texas law. Subjective "discomforts" with the excercise of this right NOT YET INFRINGED UPON by the high powers of State government notwithstanding - this man should not have been molested by the POPO. Also 911 operators needing some tutorials on the law in Texas. We don't trump the LAW with feelings.

If you want TEXAS to turn into another KALIFORNIA - continue this touchy feely nonsense. The LAW is the LAW.

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