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by ScubaSigGuy
Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:10 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Question for Open Carry Proponents
Replies: 79
Views: 7947

Re: Question for Open Carry Proponents

glockowner wrote:If you are married, first lesson, pick your battles. Works great in life.
Wel said, sir.
by ScubaSigGuy
Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:10 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Question for Open Carry Proponents
Replies: 79
Views: 7947

Re: Question for Open Carry Proponents

KBCraig wrote:
ScubaSigGuy wrote:it's all about compromise which is essential if we hope to preserve our rights.
"Compromise" and "rights" are incompatible. If you compromise, you have lost your rights.

If you persuade the mugger to let you keep enough money for cab fare, that is not compromise: he has still stolen what was yours by right. There is no compromise between a tablespoon of arsenic and a teaspoon; either is poison.
Well sir, if both choices result in a complete loss of our right to own firearms then that metaphor works. I respect your opinion as I hope you do mine. I am not against OC, I am just not willing to jeopardize the practical rights, that so many have worked hard to make possible, just to put a notch in the post. Our carry rights could definitely be better, and I hope that in time carry will be unrestricted but it has to be done the right way. You can eat an elephant one bite at a time as long as you are patient.

anygunanywhere wrote: The 2A is about OC. If you do not support OC you do not support the 2A.

The fact that I don't feel the need for open carry doesn't mean that I am not a staunch supporter of our 2A rights.
by ScubaSigGuy
Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:43 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Question for Open Carry Proponents
Replies: 79
Views: 7947

Re: Question for Open Carry Proponents

WildBill wrote:
KBCraig wrote:The argument is not whether OC is superior to CC; it is irrelevant. The argument for legalization is that there is no valid reason why OC should be illegal.
:iagree: For me, it's a matter of choice. Just because you personally wouldn't choose to OC, for whatever reason, is not a valid reason to prevent others from doing so.

I understand your point and please don't misunderstand me I am not trying to keep you from doing so. What I am afraid of is that instead of walking quietly around the hornets nest unscathed, the open carry push might just be like running up to the nest and kicking it for a field goal. Who knows how many times you might get stung and how badly.

it's all about compromise which is essential if we hope to preserve our rights. So many people don't even know that concealed carry is legal. They just don't care. Many of them aren't with us or against us, they are just oblivious. We all know lots of folks like this. Well the first time these folks are at the grocery store with thier kids and they see you in line in front of them with your newest 1911 on your hip, what do you think is going to happen? I just don't want to take that chance and awaken the sleeping giant.

We might be better off quietly growing our ranks by education when we have the opportunity, rather than by shock treatment.

I know it's a matter of rights and we all want more, I get it. But pushing for something that really gives you minimal if any advantage just to have the right to do it if you want to could hurt all gun owners in the long run. It's a situation where you have to consider the greater good.
by ScubaSigGuy
Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:54 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Question for Open Carry Proponents
Replies: 79
Views: 7947

Re: Question for Open Carry Proponents

I just don't understand the fascination with open carry. I am not against it per se, but I can't see how we really gain anything, or how it helps us in the fight to preserve our gun related rights.

We all know that Joe Q. Public has a very short memory. This short memory helps us with concealed carry. As far as most of the non-carrying public is concerned, it's out of site, out of mind. In our current politically correct obsessed society open carry would risk turning a great number of people against us. We certainly aren't going to gain any more supporters of gun rights due to the ability to open carry, so why take that risk? Why rub thier nose in it, and awaken the sleeping unsympathetic masses?

It's not a tactical advantage against the bad guys to have your weapon in plain site. In fact, in some cases the worst type of criminals may take it as a challenge and a way to get their hands on additional weapons. Just because you have a pistol on your hip doesn't mean you are going to strike fear into BG's and will be immune to their evil doings. It doesn't works for LEO's, why would it work for the average untrained individual? I tend to think that open carry would decrease your odds of prevailing in a multiple BG situation. It would certainly move you to the top of their target list. I for one have no interest in being the person they concentrate their efforts on.

The advantage we have is concealed carry. BG's don't know you are carrying, and the element of surprise is your greatest edge, if you practice and train. I just can’t see what we gain except for a right that in most cases is better left unexercised.

I might be missing something, but it's just my .02.

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