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by ScubaSigGuy
Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:38 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry
Replies: 64
Views: 42662

Re: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry

I just hung up with Sen. Shapiro's office in Austin (her local Allen office directed me there) and I was told that they "cannot speak to toward the senator's position on either bill". I was then told that they are taking comments from constituents and compiling a database on both bills for the senator's use considering her position.

I left my contact info and he noted my support and comments.

If you are in Shapiro's district please call her office in Austin at 512-463-0108 and express your support.

She is a former public school teacher so she may be sensitive to 1164. It might be a good idea to script your comments before calling if you are not used to being quoted.

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