... 4-securitySochi is alarmingly close to Russia's Muslim provinces of Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan, while the North Caucasus region is home to a raging Islamist insurgency, where attacks by militants fuelled by poverty and the ideology of global jihadism are a frequent occurrence
I for one would not want to see our athletes, or those of any other country, held hostage by terrorists. Nor would I welcome the standard Russian response to terrorist action, ... age_crisis ... age_crisis
And, there is continued concern that the FSB has run false-flag operations to create openings for military operations in Chechnya, Ossetia, and Dagestan(where the Boston Marathon bomber visited for 6 months).
The place is a snake pit, I believe we should do everything in our power to protect our athletes, press, broadcasters, and the thousands of other U.S. citizens that will be there.