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by saltydog
Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:53 am
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: Dallas Pistol Club
Replies: 8
Views: 2078

A couple of thoughts...

If you chose to join, you will have access at your leisure. As a non-member, access is only to attend matches or as a guest of a specific member who will open the gates. Cell phone numbers are a Good Thing.

Your 'sponsor', for lack of a better word, will have you sign in, give you a brief safety chat, and is accountable for your actions.

It is a safe place to shoot. The only that works is for individual members to 'police' the actions of others. That is, if you see me doing something that is undafe, call me down on it. Assuredly, I will do likewise. It is as safe as we can make. We do work on it. As a member or guest, you'll be expected to do the same.

Occasionally, some of the ranges are closed to members and non-members alike as various LE agencies train there and have exclusive use of whatever range they are on.

Some calibers are not allowed, even if they are fired in 'handguns'. A good example would be 30.30 in a Contender...there are other examples, but you get the idea.

I'd suggest that you visit the web site, find out when an organized match is being held, come out and visit. Talk with a director..see what you think.

A mandatory safety breifing must happen before membership is approved.

Play nice, obey the rules, and, above all, be safe. You'll like it.


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