Lol...toward the sound of chaos. Gotta get your corps mindset adjusted for civvy life You can still use what the corps taught ya, it just has to be tempered with a little 'outside-world' rules of engagement.
Case in point...we had an 'active shooter' presentation at work one day (I was less than impressed with the presentation by the way...and flat disagreed with a lot of it.) The very few folks that know I carry asked me if I would come out of my office were there to be a shooter in the warehouse. I said, "nope. I'm going out my window." They said, "why?! You carry a gun!" I said, "a handgun...against a shooter that is more than likely utilizing a long-gun." Not only that but to make entry to the warehouse from my office is pretty blind and not in my favor.
Now, once I'm outside the building, I will consider options. My long-gun is in the truck. Armed with that, I MIGHT choose to make entry back into the building knowing my nature and training but I have no duty to.
My co-workers don't know guns very well. They figure they can hide behind stuff. I told them no, run for the fire door at the other end of the building...beat feet. There is absolutely nothing in this warehouse but the red iron that will stop my handgun cartridges. If a shooter comes in, he will most likely be using rifle cartridges. Beat feet.
Towards the sound of chaos is in a marine's nature but be tactically smart about it there teufelhoundog...
Welcome to the forum and semper fidelis brother.
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- Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:00 am
- Forum: New to CHL?
- Topic: Reason you decided to get CHL ?
- Replies: 155
- Views: 38520
- Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:51 am
- Forum: New to CHL?
- Topic: Reason you decided to get CHL ?
- Replies: 155
- Views: 38520
Re: Reason you decided to get CHL ?
LOVE IT!Julie wrote:I've wanted to get my CHL for a long time, but I did it now because:
1. Too many people who don't want us to.
2. I'm female.
3. In addition to my weapon, I also pack a 2.5 year old, a 1.5 year old, and another that I carry even closer than my 9mm. That one will make his/her appearance later this year.
If there was ever an easy target, it's me.