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by race4beer
Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:49 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: AFTER the Wait is OVER
Replies: 60
Views: 12587

Re: AFTER the Wait is OVER

I've been carrying for a few weeks now, and I'm getting used to it. The other day I went to the local 7-11 to get a few things, and as I pull up two cruisers were there and the officers were walking into the store. Took a deep breath, walked in, made my purchase with the officer's at the counter, made some small talk with them and left. That was my first "test" of being within close proximity to an officer while carrying. Either they didn't care, or my concealment method works well. My initial intent was to wait or go back later, but I'm glad I got that over with.

by race4beer
Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:12 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: AFTER the Wait is OVER
Replies: 60
Views: 12587

Re: AFTER the Wait is OVER

I've had my plastic a little over a week. My first trip was to 7-11, a bite to eat then the Wally-Walk (still no ammo on the shelves). I carried for the first couple of days without one in the chamber, but as I got more and more comfortable I racked one in. It took me a day or two to go from OMG Overly careful to just "aware and careful".

I can honestly say that I have not left the house un-armed since the plastic came in.

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