Well, There was a lady in my class that didn't hit the instructor but she did fail. I swear it was her first time to ever pick up a handgun. And the instructor had himself and I attempting to help her out but there was a bit of a language barrier as well. Mother & Daughter took the class - daughter wasn't great, but passed. The safest place to be on that firing line was her target, but thankfully she (mostly) kept it pointed down range. I did have to remind her and point it downrange a few times while she was doing things like cocking and putting the safety on.Houston1944 wrote:I think I must hold the state scoring record. Out of 50 rounds I had 51 hits. The person next to me had a slight accuracy issue, and yes he was qualified by the instructor. Having now been through the original course and 2 renewals I believe the only way you can fail the shooting test is to fire a round that hits the instructor.
Turns out that we had the same model of handgun for qualifying (Ruger P89) and that hers had some mechanical problems so I loaned her mine. Well, the action on mine was a bit tougher than hers and she couldn't cycle it. She really needed to shoot a few hours and then come to the CHL course - she did okay on the classroom part but dang! The CHL class is NOT the place to fire a handgun for the first time in your life.