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by thetexan
Tue Sep 09, 2014 11:36 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Panera and Target 30.06?
Replies: 16
Views: 4698

Re: Panera and Target 30.06?

30.06 notification requires one of two things....

1. a verbal notification........or
2. a written notification in the form of a document, card, or sign.

Number one must be verbal.
Number two must have identical language to that specified in 30.06.

So far what we have, like Target, is a written (in the form of a news story) request. That is not verbal and so far, as far as I know, there are not signs or written documents or cards.

We chl holders must live by that statute. So must they. I'm happy to take my money elsewhere, but before I do they will need to comply with 30.06. Too many stores want to 'kinda let it be known' in a round about way to avoid the negative press or reaction. And everytime this happens, if a chl'er takes the attitude...'well, they must not want my money so I'll go somewhere else'...that chl'er is simply being run off by the mere mention of an anti gun philosophy. Let Target and Panera play by the same state rules we play by. If they dont want guns let them post accordingly and be open about it as per 30.06.

My feeling is that they actually DO want chl'ers. By making press statements they put out the public impression to the community that 'they want a 'safe' environment and hope to garner support from that side of the community, while knowing full well that chl'ers will carry anyway (for lack of 30.06 notification) and 'ensure' that very safety they are purporting to have to the community. Like in the movie A Few Good Men deep down inside in places they don't like to talk about at parties, they need us there, they want us there.

The 'they don't support guns...I'll take my money and business elsewhere' for places that are not 'gun friendly' (but dont give notice) is a weak argument as far as I'm concerned. Who cares? When they don't want guns, let them notify.....correctly. Until then, I still shop where I find good deals and eat where I find good food.


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