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by thetexan
Sun Dec 11, 2016 9:40 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: I got busted today...
Replies: 51
Views: 42561

Re: I got busted today...

Anywhere you can carry concealed it is not unlawful for your gun's presence to be discernible underneath your long as it is not physically visible.

You may even carry concealed and wear a shirt with lettering that has an arrow pointing down that says "gun, here".

This is because the only difference between a gun that legally concealed and one that is not is whether or not the gun is wholly or partially physically visible to a person in a public place, not whether it prints or not.

Do not fear printing. Printing does not have anything to do with the "concealedness" of your gun. Your gun is legally concealed if it is not intentionally wholly or partially PHYSICALLY displayed in plain view of another person in a public place. 46.035a

The only concern for discernibility during concealed carry is as it relates to stealth and how that fits into your carry philosophy.


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