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by anomie
Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:01 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er
Replies: 81
Views: 18137

Re: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er

drjoker wrote:Not securing the parking lot down the street meant that if there was a gun tossed out of the red Durango, the evidence would've been lost because the cops waited 4 days before conducting the search of the parking lot down the street.
I agree with that completely. All I'm getting at is, based on the limited information I have, I can see situations in which it may be reasonable that the search of down the street and rooftops, etc, was delayed (shooting happened about where the SUV came back to, it takes time to get witness statements, when exactly did they know the suv left and came back, how much manpower did they have, etc). I can't say a four day delay was reasonable - but I can't say it wasn't, either.

Edit: Note the witness statement was literally "... It looked like they were pretty much just, I don't know if they were trying to stash something in the car, or look for something or what ..."
See ... index.html" onclick=";return false; for the full audio. The witness saying that they looked like they might be trying to stash something *in the car* and a statement that they didn't see them throw anything/stash anything away from/out of the car is actually consistent.
by anomie
Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:22 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er
Replies: 81
Views: 18137

Re: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er

drjoker wrote:No, the cops went against S.O.P. (standard operating procedure) by not processing the entire scene and documenting everything.
How big is the scene? Where will the cops view as 'the scene' as being given where the shooting occurred? The SUV pulled out of the gas station, to somewhere, right? Then came back. If someone drives five blocks do you process and document the entire five blocks? Two blocks? How big does it have to be/how far would they have had to drive before not 'processing the entire scene' in the sense of processing absolutely every inch that they traveled, the night of the shooting, is not breaking SOP? (seriously asking).
by anomie
Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:49 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er
Replies: 81
Views: 18137

Re: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er

He drove away and did not call the police. He went back to his hotel and ordered pizza, then left for home the next morning - all without calling police. This is at a minimum evidence of terrible decision making.

I can't imagine myself doing the same after being forced to defend myself, although I've never really liked arguments based on "oh well _obviously_ someone would or would not do this in such a situation", so I say that knowing it doesn't mean he wasn't in fear of his life when he pulled the trigger.

The "they dumped the shotgun and came back" scenario could be true. But so could the 'he made the shotgun up after the fact' scenario.

Put yourself in the spot of a cop at that scene. You've got a dead body in an SUV and shooter who drove off. How much reason do you really have to go rummaging around rooftops and the like looking for a shotgun that you really have no reason to think even exists yet? The first the police probably heard about a shotgun was after they'd arrested Dunn, which was the day after the shooting. Depending on exactly how that all went down, the delay in going to look could be entirely reasonable.

The point here being that, if he'd stayed at the scene and said "They pointed a shotgun at me, I was in fear of my life" and then said he was going to wait to say anything else until he talked to an attorney, then yeah, looking to see if they'd dumped a shotgun four days later would be unreasonable. When what actually happened is that he left the scene, they arrested him the next day, and they get the information by interviewing him, etc, it becomes less and less unreasonable that they looked for a stashed shotgun four days later.

I am expecting a conviction here, I could be wrong, and the jury is going to see more evidence than I will, for sure.
by anomie
Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:15 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er
Replies: 81
Views: 18137

Re: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er

Based on everything I've read, I think this guy is going to be convicted. I could be wrong.

He could have let the loud music go, let them go about their business, and go about his own, and I think he probably should have.

edit: (He certainly had the right to ask 'hey, could you turn that down please' but once they didn't, and it became an argument, it just seems a whole lot like a guy trying to impose his will on some other people without authority to do so. If it's really that loud call a cop and make a complaint. That doesn't have anything to do with whether or not it was actually self defense, just a spot where the whole thing could have been avoided)

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