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by CHLLady
Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:50 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Electricity went dead in theater today...
Replies: 28
Views: 3721

Re: Electricity went dead in theater today...

I just had to come back and say how proud I am of my little one. We returned to the theater to use our free tickets and LO came prepared with her own flashlight! I praised her and told her how proud I was she was prepared. She even put it to use helping Dad sign for the meal in the dark. :thumbs2:

Good news is the electricity worked this time. Lol
by CHLLady
Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:38 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Electricity went dead in theater today...
Replies: 28
Views: 3721

Re: Electricity went dead in theater today...

The whole reason I put the mini flashlight on my keychain was due to a power outage in Target 3 years ago. It scared me & my daughter pretty good since we couldn't see our hands in front of our faces. I told myself that would never happen again.

My purse is not the easiest place to find things, but my bulky keychains are easily found due to the mace.

I've not considered a full knife before. I have about a 2 inch antique knife on my keychain that I use to open boxes with.
What kind would you recommend for a woman?
by CHLLady
Sat Oct 18, 2014 10:23 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Electricity went dead in theater today...
Replies: 28
Views: 3721

Electricity went dead in theater today...

We were at the Theater watching a movie, right when things started to get good, boom, everything shut down and a few emergency lights come on. They tell us to stay, they are working on getting everything back on. My child decides she must use the RR, so I take her. She keeps saying she's scared and wants to leave. Bless her, her alarm bells were going off. I reassure her that we will be ok, just stay calm.

Am I afraid? No. Am I worried because it's so dark and people are wandering around? No. Why? Because I'm prepared! I have a flashlight & mace on my keychain, and my CH on my side. No sheep in the dark here my friends. Everything worked out ok. They eventually came back and said no go, theater has to shut down. We got free meals and passes to return another time. And best of all we left safely. This was a good teachable moment for my youngest as well. It just goes to show you never know when you may need your preparedness accessories. ;-)

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