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by Mama Abby
Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:16 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Date night gone wrong
Replies: 113
Views: 19721

Re: Date night gone wrong

Wodathunkit wrote:
Sparky3131 wrote:She has since called and apologized for 'overreacting' about the whole thing and offered to make it up to me. Ehhh no thanks. I stick to hanging out with my dog :fire
:iagree: run away, far-far away :rolll

I completely agree, run far far away. I would feel so much better if I went on a date and discovered my date was carrying. I would be happy to know that my date was prepared to protect us if a BG tried to do harm or rob us. I lived in Houston for many years and have seen many horrible crimes while living there. Sparky3131 sound like a true gentleman. :tiphat:

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