Anyone can ask anything they want. Whether or not such a request has the force of law, or if it is wise would be a different matter.lws380 wrote:Could the OP ask the officer to leave his property or not come on his property? I'm not advocating that, but I am curious as to the answer.
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- Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:14 am
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: I just don't understand
- Replies: 30
- Views: 3853
Re: I just don't understand
- Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:04 pm
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: I just don't understand
- Replies: 30
- Views: 3853
Re: I just don't understand
Personally I understand both sides of the issue. The officer wants to be in control of the scene, doesn't want to handle a weapon he doesn't know, and the weapon holder is likely to be agitated (due to being a crime victim). Solution: Ask the OP to secure his weapon inside the residence.
At the same time the OP has just had his property damaged, hasn't done anything wrong, and can prove that he has passed a background check. Solution: Comply. This avoids the officer disarming the OP and handling a firearm that he may have no knowledge of (which could lead to a negligent discharge).
Nothing anyone has works as a good guy card. I don't care if its a CHL, Red and Blue lights, LEO ID/Badge, or anything else. Too many people pass background checks then go do something illegal afterwards. Licenses/IDs can be issued in error or faked, lights and badges can be purchased, and people do change.
At the same time the OP has just had his property damaged, hasn't done anything wrong, and can prove that he has passed a background check. Solution: Comply. This avoids the officer disarming the OP and handling a firearm that he may have no knowledge of (which could lead to a negligent discharge).
Nothing anyone has works as a good guy card. I don't care if its a CHL, Red and Blue lights, LEO ID/Badge, or anything else. Too many people pass background checks then go do something illegal afterwards. Licenses/IDs can be issued in error or faked, lights and badges can be purchased, and people do change.