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by anygunanywhere
Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:34 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: "Concealment" of CHL
Replies: 23
Views: 9751

My Mode

I carry my TDL, CHL, and insurance cards in a small ID wallet with two windows I picked up at a leather shop in Fredericksburg. When asked for ID I usually pull my TDL out and hand it over. Occaisionally they say "leave it in the wallet". They always see the CHL. No comments to date from tellers to TSA. Several banks have asked for second photo ID and accepted the CHL with no comments, including a teller in a city near San Francisco. In fact, she thought it was a great. She did not ask about any handgun, and I was not carrying. I do have a wallet for credit cards, cash and other manly accessories, and if asked to turn over wallet, they do not get the ID's.

Lots of folks know I carry. Quite a few of our family on both sides pack. It actually helps keep the peace at times, I think. I actually require those who are licensed to carry to do so in my home. I open carry around the house, yard, garage. My neighbors all know I carry. I meet solicitors at the door open carrying. Makes the conversation short when I tell them to shut up and leave and obey the no soliciting signs.

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