Keith B wrote:When I was a LEO we had a rash of issues with one of the the local car washes being a meet point for drug buys and also for vandalism and theft of the money out of the changers. 4AM at the car wash (not pulled into a stall) is a very valid time for reasonable suspicion.
I am a strong advocate of defending my 4A rights and have advocated so on this forum. At the time I had a pretty good idea that I was going to be asked a few questions and knew how far I was going to answer. The officer's facial expressions as I gave my answers told me that he was buying my answers. I was telling the truth. If it had gone further to the point of requesting a search of the car the conversation would have changed. When I told him I was armed and licensed and he only asked for my DL I had a positive impression that it would go no further.