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by anygunanywhere
Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:00 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?
Replies: 158
Views: 33597

Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?

Jumping Frog wrote:
mayor wrote:I have a question: How do CHL holders communicate with each other that "I'm not a BG?"
Ahh, . . . . , don't wear a burka? "rlol" "rlol" :smilelol5:
You didn't tell him about the CHL badge, tiara, and sash.

by anygunanywhere
Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:26 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?
Replies: 158
Views: 33597

Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?

Interesting article.
Our Westgate is Coming. Where Will You Stand? ... ampaign=nl

by anygunanywhere
Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:02 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?
Replies: 158
Views: 33597

Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?

Stay away from malls and you have nothing to worry about. When I am out and about now I either have an AR or a tactical shotgun in my vehicle.


I do not go to malls. I rarely go to Houston and if I do it is to visit the grandchildren or transport them back and forth from La Grange. If I go to Austin it is to a specific location and then back home.

The next three weeks are antique weeks here in the area. I am not really concerned about anything here. Since we have been here I have met many of the antique merchants and a great number of them pack and do not tolerate unsavory characters.


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