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by mpat2009
Fri Nov 29, 2013 7:28 pm
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Troubling times and a decline in civility
Replies: 38
Views: 13064

Re: Troubling times and a decline in civility

The goal of a forum like this is primarily education and responsibility. Any and all forums (period. including the internet) are a very tangible form of democracy (and thank God we are protected by the foresight of our founding fathers for the 1st amendment). As such, every member of any democracy must decide to act as savages and destroy what all of those before them worked and sacrificed for, or act as civilized people to preserve and build what we created. Without a basic understanding that you you must treat others as you would like yourself to be treated (That's in the Bible, and what your Momma told you for those who are not religious) there is no society, much less a constitutional democracy in these United States of America. In this current political climate where our constitutional rights are being attacked daily, I think it is important to spend time and energy on education, reconciliation, or organization to protect and uphold our constitutional rights and the current laws of Texas. In the event that there is a disagreement on any of the current laws, then a good way to start is Step 1. To discuss and agree as a group upon a change in the current laws. Step 2. Initiate a plan for achieving the goal as a group of democratic citizens.

I personally believe argument should not only be heard, acknowledged, and considered but sometimes it is necessary to be encouraged. In the position that we are in now as a nation; I am personally horrified by the assaults upon the first, second, and fourth amendment of the United States constitution that every US citizen has ever bled, fought, and died for in defense of their nation. My thoughts aside, this is a community and while there will always be disagreements please remember that we are a family with a goal of protecting our families and each other as one Nation under God, Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all.

My personal Thank you to Charles Cotton and everyone who has made this site possible by their moderation and membership. I cannot tell you how important this site is to the education of CHL holders in TX.

Thank you,

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