Wow. Just wow.BigGuy wrote:Somehow I wound up on another mailing list. TXGR (Texas Gun Rights.) I just got an email where they are ranting about SB17 (See in part below.)
They are painting Dan patrick as an anti gun, and calling SB-17 a step in the wrong direction.
I don't send that much money out. How do I wind up on these whacky mailing lists?
The state Senate, wrangled by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, passed a limp-wristed Open Carry bill (S.B. 17) full of anti-gun restrictions.
They’re hoping gun rights activists will be appeased and finally leave them alone.
You see, tens of thousands of Texans have contacted their legislators in recent months demanding Constitutional Carry.
And we’re not going to fall for this!
S.B.17 is far from the true pro-gun reform Texas needs, and is arguably a step in the wrong direction as it increases the government’s power to license away our rights.
That’s why it’s vital that you call Dan Patrick TODAY at (512) 463-0001 and demand that he give Constitutional Carry a vote!Don’t you think gun rights supporters have a right to know who those anti-gun Senators are?
I agree we need Constitutional Carry, but I don't agree that SB17 is setting us back. It's getting us closer.