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by cyphertext
Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:11 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: Ranges around McKinney
Replies: 11
Views: 7166

Re: Ranges around McKinney

Beiruty wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
Beiruty wrote:
AndyC wrote:
skeathley wrote:Garland Public Range (outdoor, pistol or 100 yd rifle) * Be aware, no FMJ for rifles allowed
Just an FYI above, but otherwise it's a nice 50 + 100 yd rifle range. The handgun range is meh and they have shotgun traps on the far left for casual clay-pigeon stuff. You have to take their 4-minute safety/rules class for $15 or so, after which you get your membership-card (can't shoot without it). I'd also suggest you pony up the 50c or so for them to laminate it right there on their machine.
After they lost the law suit and had to pay $450,000 in damages I would never go back to GPR.
Why not? They made a lot of changes... and I'm still not convinced the round came from the range.
As matter of fact, they were Nazi range freaks before the errant bullet flight from somewhere. And, I guess they would be more Range Nazi today then 8 yrs ago.I was accused of not clearing my rifle and my innocent rifle got mishandled badly.
I've never had an issue with them being "Nazi range freaks"... not even when my SKS triple tapped.
by cyphertext
Sun Apr 29, 2018 6:28 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: Ranges around McKinney
Replies: 11
Views: 7166

Re: Ranges around McKinney

Beiruty wrote:
AndyC wrote:
skeathley wrote:Garland Public Range (outdoor, pistol or 100 yd rifle) * Be aware, no FMJ for rifles allowed
Just an FYI above, but otherwise it's a nice 50 + 100 yd rifle range. The handgun range is meh and they have shotgun traps on the far left for casual clay-pigeon stuff. You have to take their 4-minute safety/rules class for $15 or so, after which you get your membership-card (can't shoot without it). I'd also suggest you pony up the 50c or so for them to laminate it right there on their machine.
After they lost the law suit and had to pay $450,000 in damages I would never go back to GPR.
Why not? They made a lot of changes... and I'm still not convinced the round came from the range.

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