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by treadlightly
Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:52 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: 12/6/14 - LEO tries to delete video of him confronting OC
Replies: 58
Views: 17037

Re: 12/6/14 - LEO tries to delete video of him confronting O

Nobody carries rifles any more, not even in the back windows of pickup trucks. I don't have a clue the nature of the protest, but I hope the rifles were carried safely and in a friendly spirit. Since rifles are questionable things - whether or not that's right - I'd say we have at least temporarily lost the effective right to carry rifles. Like most folks, that doesn't affect my life, but it does raise some personal questions.

Did Houston PD have anything to say about badge 4771's attempt to destroy evidence in an arrest attempt?

And, to clarify, the loss of any right very much affects my life, even if it's a right I never exercise. I don't carry a rifle to the grocery store. The right, exercised or not, to carry a rifle to the grocery store, should I purchase a rifle and want to carry it to the grocery store - that's important to me. But I don't actually carry rifles to grocery stores. Not yet, anyway.

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