Hate Trump? That's very mature. Seriously. He's not a leader.
But what he might be is a catalyst. Gingrich's Republican Revolution failed. The Tea Party was marginalized out of visible existence.
Nobody can ignore Trump, and we should use that.
For instance, Paul Ryan said yesterday he is not ready to support Trump. Presumably, and please take note, he's deciding if Bernie or Hillary might be more to his liking.
I am overjoyed with the prospect of voting for Trump, who might be the worst President, barring Obama, since Harding and his Teapot Dome.
That's not because I like Trump, but because he gives me a battlefield. Ryan unmasked himself when he said he was still on the fence as to whether he would support Hillary or Bernie (or, horrors, Trump).
I don't have to make the case for the essential unfaithfulness of elected officials. They make that case for me.
Thank goodness the election isn't tomorrow. I want to savor every day of the long journey to the poll to vote for Trump. I want our elected officials to have as many Trump-nightmare filled nights as possible between now and election day to realize how badly they have treated us.
Besides, it's all over soon anyway. With the national debt, you could pave a 40 mile two-lane road with dollar bills 165 feet deep. It would take 45,000 fully loaded 747's to carry the weight of all that paper money, except, of course, Boeing only built about 1,500.
And if none of that hits your panic button, consider this. We owe $19 trillion. There's only about $2 trillion that actually exists as real money.
We not only owe more than we have, more than anybody has, we owe more than actually exists - by ten-fold.
Search found 3 matches
- Fri May 06, 2016 6:36 am
- Forum: Federal
- Topic: Cruz is out.
- Replies: 169
- Views: 44796
- Tue May 03, 2016 8:47 pm
- Forum: Federal
- Topic: Cruz is out.
- Replies: 169
- Views: 44796
Re: Cruz is out.
Pardon my sacrilegious sense of humor, but could you imagine greater political comedy than a Trump-Sanders face-off? And, frankly, could you imagine anything healthier for the Democratic Party than having to realize they've allowed themselves to come to open socialism?The Annoyed Man wrote:In (perversely) positive news, Sanders beat Clinton 53% to 47%. I don't know what that does to the total democrat delegate count, but if God shows us mercy, Sanders will take the nomination, and Trump will beat the snot out of Sanders. Then we can have president Trump, and I can say "I TOLD you all what it would be like, and why I preferred Cruz to Trump!"
As of right now, we've got about 8 months to enjoy what's left of our Constitution; then we're hosed.
There are others deserving sharp sticks in the eye, courtesy Trump. I'd like to think Trump would set Putin back on his heels when Putin was disrespectful. Putin is a bigot and lets it show. Obama is a cancerous President, no doubt, but racism is not welcome in the debate.
I hope I can celebrate a Trump victory. If he can't be trusted, take heart. I'm not so sure Cruz could have been, either - although I like him and recognize as a Senator he voted his principles.
Trump has consistently gotten a lot of voters to the polls. That might be what keeps a convicted Hillary under house arrest in her house, not the White House.
- Tue May 03, 2016 8:00 pm
- Forum: Federal
- Topic: Cruz is out.
- Replies: 169
- Views: 44796
Re: Cruz is out.
I voted for Cruz. Couldn't help myself. Not only did he say conservative things, he said he would close the conservative-hating IRS. I understand the country needs revenue, but not by empowering a bunch of line-dancing tyrants who hold court without a presumption of innocence. Murderers get more respect than taxpayers in some ways.
My inner adolescent, my childish inner rebel who yearns for a time machine set to 1776, wanted to see Trump win. I have to admit that. Liberal judges use their courts to send messages and that's wrong. Casting a vote to send a message is equally wrong, so I voted for Cruz.
Now my inner child is joyous over getting the best of both worlds. I voted like an adult, now, thanks to others, I can work with my word processor to convince Republican idiots, and by that I mean Republican manipulators who corrupted the party, they have no choice. They have got to learn this lesson or the Republican Party ends.
I'm going to try to make some lemonade with our citric candidate. There's a fresh roll of stamps in my desk. I'm going to use them to start making the case to every Republican who's been stupid that their behavior propelled Trump into the nomination.
A speaker's vote for Strauss was a vote for Trump. A vote for the $1.5 trillion omnibus spending package was a vote for Trump. Obamacare? That goes without saying. A vote for Obamacare was huge support for Trump even if Trump himself didn't suspect at the time.
If Republican insiders hate Trump, then they should face the fact they put him on the Republican ticket. Actions have consequences and they need to fully understand that.
This country elected Obama twice. Hillary is our next President, and that's a bad, bad thing. On the other hand, Trump pushed the right popular buttons to thwart Republican leadership. Maybe HIllary's apotheosis isn't foregone. Trump's cabinet would probably look Reagan-esque. He could be a bad President and still save the country.
As much as I'd like to insist on nothing but abject self-loathing from Republicans unfaithful to conservatism and the Constitution, we're not going to get fresh faces, not in the back rooms. Karl Rove is probably angry enough to chug brimstone in public right now, but he's not looking for a new job. The old guard will prevail. We might, however, be able to shove a little education down unwilling old-guard throats. Some good can come of this.
I hope.
God bless America.
My inner adolescent, my childish inner rebel who yearns for a time machine set to 1776, wanted to see Trump win. I have to admit that. Liberal judges use their courts to send messages and that's wrong. Casting a vote to send a message is equally wrong, so I voted for Cruz.
Now my inner child is joyous over getting the best of both worlds. I voted like an adult, now, thanks to others, I can work with my word processor to convince Republican idiots, and by that I mean Republican manipulators who corrupted the party, they have no choice. They have got to learn this lesson or the Republican Party ends.
I'm going to try to make some lemonade with our citric candidate. There's a fresh roll of stamps in my desk. I'm going to use them to start making the case to every Republican who's been stupid that their behavior propelled Trump into the nomination.
A speaker's vote for Strauss was a vote for Trump. A vote for the $1.5 trillion omnibus spending package was a vote for Trump. Obamacare? That goes without saying. A vote for Obamacare was huge support for Trump even if Trump himself didn't suspect at the time.
If Republican insiders hate Trump, then they should face the fact they put him on the Republican ticket. Actions have consequences and they need to fully understand that.
This country elected Obama twice. Hillary is our next President, and that's a bad, bad thing. On the other hand, Trump pushed the right popular buttons to thwart Republican leadership. Maybe HIllary's apotheosis isn't foregone. Trump's cabinet would probably look Reagan-esque. He could be a bad President and still save the country.
As much as I'd like to insist on nothing but abject self-loathing from Republicans unfaithful to conservatism and the Constitution, we're not going to get fresh faces, not in the back rooms. Karl Rove is probably angry enough to chug brimstone in public right now, but he's not looking for a new job. The old guard will prevail. We might, however, be able to shove a little education down unwilling old-guard throats. Some good can come of this.
I hope.
God bless America.